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Whether it be for announcements, sales of online learning courses, course details, teacher’s profiles or the latest class events, Joomdle enables you to display Moodle’s content inside Joomla creating a seemless user interface for your students and giving your organisation a consistent brand keeping your customers coming back for more learning.

Component, modules and plugins to integrate Joomla and Moodle.

That’s right, the world’s leading Learning Management System (LMS) / Course Management System is accessible from inside Joomla, leveraging Joomla’s world famous and easy to use templating and extension management framework. No more propietory and expensive Learning Management System, no more compromises on which features to provide your students. No more disperate online learning and customer portal environments. Joomdle’s key benefit is its ability for website administrators and owners to publish Moodle content directly in Joomla providing a seamless user interface for your students.

Provides Single Sign On between Joomla and Moodle, showing Moodle contents in Joomla, search Moodle contents from Joomla, showing Moodle inside a wrapper, selling courses through Tienda or Virtuemart, integration with other 3rd party components such as Jomsocial or Community Builder…